Here is a nice post war SMITH and WESSON pre Model 10 revolver made right after WW II. 'I just received my factory letter and it confirms that Victory revolver number V158896 was shipped on Novemto the US Navy, Oakland, CA. S&W Victory model serial number lookup With the return of peace. I guess that makes mine October of 1942 or early November 1942. You'll notice 'AFD' isn't listed and for 3-letter-prefix serial numbers, they're not in alphabetical/chronological order.Ĭalling S&W will result in the most precise answer. I just found this on the Smith & Wesson Forum. Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson (Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson) (Kindle Locations 17043-17050). 1984 – AAU, ABV, ABZ, ACZ, ADE, ADM, ADR, ADT, ADW, AEA, AEB, AEC, AEF, AEL, AEM, AEV, AEZ, AFA, AFJ, AFK, AFMġ985 – AAV, ACC, ACJ, ADA, ADP, ADZ, AEF, AEH, AEM, AER, AEW, AFB, AFK, AFL, AFN, AFR, AFS, AHA, AHB, AHC, AHJ, AHP, AHS, AHT, AHV, AJB, AJD, AJJ, AJH, ALA, ALB, ALC, ALU, ALV, ALWġ986 – ACE, ACV, AJC, AJD, AJN, AJS, AJT, AJW, AHC, AHU, AJS, ALW, ANA, ANB, ANF, ANK, ANN, ANP, AUB, AUC, AUH, AUM, AUU, AVC, AVTġ987 – AFL, AHC, AHV, ALC, ANK, ANN, ANR, ANS, AUC, AUK, AUV, AVA, AVB, AVN, AVV, AVY, AWD, AWE, AWF, AWP, AWT, AWU, AWW, AWY, AYE, AYF, AYL, AYWġ988 – AFZ, AWP, AYC, AYE, AYM, AYR, AYU, AYY, AWD, AZA, AZH, AZJ, AZE, AZL, BAF, BAN, BAP, BAR, BAS, BBA, BBF, BBH, BBN, BBT